Archive for the ‘the thing’ Tag

RELEASED: Who Goes There? — the story the movie The Thing was based on

Image borrowed from

Image borrowed from

This is one of my favorite projects to be involved with so far and I have been very, VERY eagerly awaiting it’s release. I’m proud of my work on it, the production value is good, and it’s free for you to listen to it, so there is no reason for you not to. Okay, if you don’t care for classic horror or have a strong aversion to the mention of blood, alien body posession or flamethrowers, this isn’t for you. For the rest of us: CLICK NOW!

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, this is the story that became the movie The Thing. If you remember The Thing, my character is Childs — one that was very fun to voice in this project.

Please have a listen and pass the link on to as many people as possible. It’s my understanding that this is producer Clay Dugger’s first major venture for his amateur audio drama group – Must Be Nice Studios. It would be a huge coup for them and I would consider it a personal favor if this got spread far and wide. Besides, it’s just plain X-Files/Twilight Zone/drive-in fright feature type fun and you’re going to want to pass it along.

SNEAK PEEK: Who Goes There?

The space ship being discovered in The Thing

Remember I told you I was going to be in an audio drama based on “Who Goes There?” – the original version of the movie The Thing? Remember? It doesn’t matter, the fact is I told you. Let’s not argue over this. I TOLD you, you just didn’t care about anybody other than YOURSELF enough to LISTEN! LOOK! IT’S RIGHT HERE:


Okay, I’m sorry.

Look, I’m in this audio drama and it’s coming out soon. It’s scary, but well done, and I want you to listen if you can forgive me for flying off the handle. Please, check out the trailer here:
and I’ll let you know the moment it releases so you can hear me making a funny voice as I struggle to survive alien invasion.

Forgive me…I love you…don’t let me die alone…