NARRATION: Rolling Through Life: Camp HandiCan

Rolling Through Life: Camp HandiCan

Rolling Through Life: Camp HandiCan

I’m now up to four audiobook narrations for Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) with a fifth on the way in a week or so. The book is called Rolling Through Life: Camp HandiCan and it’s probably my proudest project to date. My pride isn’t because I sing in it (though I do—sorry), or because the writing is perfect (though it may be the best of the books I’ve narrated so far), but because the subject matter is touching to me and because it’s told by an author who obviously poured his heart into it.

It’s fiction—I’m told by the author that his actual life is spread across a couple of the characters—but it reads like a memoir. It’s about a guy that ends up being a counselor at a camp for handicapped children by accident. Personally, having spent a summer and a couple winters working at Camp Variety for Spina Bifida, some aspects of the story may have touched me a bit more than some. But I think the triumphs and the love story are pretty universally accessible (ironic remark intended), and you could do worse than to give it a read or listen or both.

As I said, the writing’s not perfect; I think there are some parts that could be fleshed out more. But it’s a solid first writing effort, you’ll enjoy it, and the author could use your encouragement so that he keeps writing and developing.

It’s safe to say that if I can find more books like this to work on (though perhaps with less singing on my part), this will continue to be a very fun second job/hobby/side hustle for me


1 comment so far

  1. Russell Thompson on

    Thanks, you did a great job of narration.

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