It musta been speech, but it’s over now….

Our congress cannot be troubled to vote for relief on taxes that we never should have been paying in the first place, but they will go out of their way to vote for a law that favors specific businesses and squashes free speech. And the vast majority of these 85-year-old legislators couldn’t get to the right place if asked them to “open a browser window to Google dot com”!

If you can’t be bothered to stand up and squash this today, if you can’t email your crimin…err…congressman, IF YOU CAN’T TAKE THE TIME TO RE-POST THIS FRIGGIN’ PICTURE, then don’t worry — nobody’s going to ever ask you again. Because it will be illegal.

If freedom's just another word for "nothing left to lose" then, good news! Prepare to be as free as ever!


Related information:,2817,2397826,00.asp

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